# of watchers: 36
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This wiki was created by [Ultra Hunger] on December 20th, 2004 And then it was erased by [Ultra Hunger] and restarted clean slate on April 4th, 2007
2005-06-14 [gungone]: Hey now guys..leave the past in the past. Raine I apologize for [Ultra Hunger]'s actions..so please lets just stop.
2005-06-14 [Shadowsoul]: oh shut up
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: I said nothing towards you so HA
2005-06-14 [gungone]: and then there are people like Shadow..why don't you shut up, I'm trying to settle things and your making it worse.
2005-06-14 [Shadowsoul]: BE CIVIL!
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: everyone go back about two Older comments tell me where I amde one coment towards her
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: i have no problem with anything...i find it all rather funny....but [Ultra Hunger] and [Shadowsoul] are just overly rude people
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: lets see these remarks I made towards you ranie post them ehre so we can all see
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: go on
2005-06-14 [gungone]: Shadmow take your own advise..please
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: why? who needs to see them other than the guards?
2005-06-14 [Shadowsoul]: i'm leaving this conversation
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: good, as am i...move on everyone...[Ultra Hunger]'s hate can be left to stagnate
2005-06-14 [gungone]: Okay leave it...now you guys..I know we had name callings here and there..but can we please just forget about it?
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: i did...but i will continue to watch this wiki for the said purpose of watching people insult me, so as to make reports as needed
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: Ranie I know you have nothing on me and I just left a long message to someone about it.
2005-06-14 [gungone]: Okay we know Raine can come to an agreement...so Brian..do you think you can too?
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: I just want her to leave my wiki alone. I've already blocked her
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: i quake in my boots [Ultra Hunger] i have done nothing, said nothing, and deserve none of this....do as you will with your friends, but i can prove otherwise....i agreed to leave you alone, AND had to block you, yet you wouldn't let this all drop....you need to take some medication and just chill out....
2005-06-14 [gungone]: Okay how about..she can watch the wiki, but can't make any comments..AS Long as you [Ultra Hunger] don't talk about her nor [Roosey].
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: bro they are both on my block list.
2005-06-14 [djxmonster]: Gah.... can't we all just get along?
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: if you blocked us, and don't like us, whjy do you devote so much conscience time to us and talking about us? about me and calling me names on other wikis when you don't think i'm watching...?
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: thank you
2005-06-14 [gungone]: That's what I'm trying to say..well Brian keep them on it, just let them watch the wiki..and if they make a comment in it, I'm sure a guard will take care of it.
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: I haven't made coments towards you anywhere.
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: alright watch away. I guess I can't stop that.
2005-06-14 [gungone]: Brian..as long as you keep talking about them, or any subject that has to do with them, they will write in here to defend themselves.
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: I don't know why they would want to there not members
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: because i came here to BECOME a member, and you decided you hated me and wouldn't let me...that is why i'm still here
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: I don't want you to be a member
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: at first when i came here you didn't have a problem with me, as i was trying to think of a goddess title for myself...then you found out i belonged to Dutch and you got pissy, because you liked Dutch and Dutch liked me...what is this? 8th grade? seriously, grow up....and deal
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: no I hate you because of I hate homosexuality
2005-06-14 [gungone]: That's true [Ultra Hunger] I looked back in the comments and she was thinking of one, then things got all bad from there...but come on people..lets be like..not fighting.
2005-06-14 [djxmonster]: [Ultra Hunger]: Don't come complaining to me about being "harassed" by people if you are treating them the same way... such as: 07:23:37 Man Cans: no I hate you because of I hate homosexuality...... This is just stupid, grow up people...
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: so? i hate homosexuality.
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: Aaahhhhhhhhhhh
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: i know...*pats on the back* just let it go...really...
2005-06-14 [gungone]: I agree with Raine. I think enough is enough.
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: why do you need to watch this wiki?
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: bgecause you are talking about me...(^_^)
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: 9i'm done t5alking about you bye
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: about time...thank you
2005-06-14 [gungone]: ...it's about time..for both of you. lol
2005-06-14 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: wow...I must be really slow but I noticed we got third place for best wiki!
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: that is sooooooo last month
2005-06-14 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: I know...I'm just a little...slow.
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: I know
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: Chewing gum is really gross, chewing gum I hate the most
2005-06-14 [skullhead]: I didn’t know you heated homosexual’s [Ultra Hunger]
2005-06-14 [skullhead]: Way do you have, (Sexual preference: both sexes) in your house?
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: I don't hate homosexuality I love it tis Raniedrop who hates it
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: there for I strongly dislike her for it
2005-06-14 [skullhead]: ohh ok
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: rainedrop has her own opinions, and she is hated by [Ultra Hunger] for them....seems like [Ultra Hunger] lives a double standard where he feels everyone should respect him for his opinions and lifestyle, but is not willing to do the same with others....(i on the otherhand, do not hate [Ultra Hunger] for the reason of him being "gay")
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: [Ultra Hunger] has a right to speak his own opinion in his own wiki. there for if I am allowed to strongly dislike you.
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: you strongly dislike me for the soul reason that we have differing opinions, that is the DEFFENITION of "closemindedne
2005-06-14 [skullhead]: Are you too going out or something?
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: nope...i have a BF that [Ultra Hunger] sexually harassed for a while though. i guess he is bitter that he couldn't have my man.....it's sad really
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: well thats you I'm me. your racist against other peoples life styles so stick that in your crack pipe and smoke it. its the same if you hated someone for the color of there skin. they can't change who they are. so allow me to say it again... your racist
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: BIGGOT!
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: "racist" is the hatrid of another based souly on their RACE....being gay is not a race, nor do i "hate" gays....you assume too much....you are the bigger "biggot" [Ultra Hunger] because of your hatrid of others for their opinions JUST BECAUSE they don't agree with you...i hate no one for anything but Stupidity....i don't hate you because you're "gay", never did....i hate you because you are rude, crude, mean, and a moron
2005-06-14 [skullhead]: People its all love we cool [Ultra Hunger] make [RabidSphinx] a goddess and spread the love stop the hate
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: she will never join
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: [RabidSphinx] Goddess of Biggots and Racism
2005-06-14 [skullhead]: for the love of the god's give her a breake
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: and he will never realize how stupid he is....."racist
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: now your being a hypocrit
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: how am i? what have i said that is "hypocritical"
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: nor do i hate any religions, or any sex...i have no "prejiduces I hate homosexuality
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: sex stupid, as in i don't hate MEN or WOMEN....that is a SEX...i never said "sexual preferance"...
2005-06-14 [skullhead]: You too stopped already; I don’t think that [RabidSphinx] is raciest
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: thank you [skullhead] i really am not, never was, never will be
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: Homophobia is gay
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: when i see someone who has a phobia of gays, i'll tell them that for you [Ultra Hunger]....seems silly to fear gays though, to me at least
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: I support gay marriage! Down with rainedrop
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: good for you, i'm against it, now that we have shared our opinions, why down with [RabidSphinx]? you that threatened by her and her mind?
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: Learn to be more tolerant
2005-06-14 [skullhead]: Stopped, I’m living, when I returnee I don’t want to see 100 comments of the same shit you too kiss and make up. bye
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: i am tolerent [Ultra Hunger] it is you that ISN'T!
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: Rainedrop smells that my opinion in my wiki
2005-06-14 [Stephen]: Note from Elfpack guards: Raindrop please stop flamming this wiki page.
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: stop picking on me for my opinions [Ultra Hunger]
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: then go write about how im am immature bastard in your own wiki
2005-06-14 [Stephen]: Rainedrop, please stop. You have had issues like this in the past, I do not want to see a repeat
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: i was told i was allowed to come here in defence of myself....you insulted me, yet again...i was not commenting here until then, thus not "flaming" this wiki
2005-06-14 [Stephen]: Okay then, please leave the wiki-page.
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: you were allowed to watch this wiki noone was talking about you until I had to explained what happened yesterday
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: what a waste of comment space. i need to some how change the subject.
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: anyone wanna make some new banners?
2005-06-14 [Stephen]: Okay, if there is further problems, please tell me. Also, according to the wiki rules, the owner has the right to remove anyone from being on it. If the removed person fails to comply, the owner may contact the guards.
2005-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: i was allowed to comment, ONLY if it pertaind to me...it did...you then jumped on me once again....you are TRYING to creat conflict [Ultra Hunger]....just stop talking about me...if you hate me sooo much, try really hard to forget me...i know the rules, and have enforced them myself on other wikis, but he is breaking the "asshole" rule with his relentless harassment on said member ME
2005-06-14 [Stephen]: Raindrop, lease leave. Man Cans, do not post hateful comments about her. Please leave one another alone.
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: its over. I am done I want my wiki to go abck to teh way it was when people would talk about music and gods and tehre powers
2005-06-14 [Stephen]: Good. Once again, please tell me if this continues.
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: this ring will give you the stength of a god. if you already are a god it will make your powers even stronger against other gods and god slayers. like me. I am trying to think of a way to see who can prove they are the most worthy to recieve this ring. I need some ideas like a game or something.
2005-06-14 [Stephen]: I want it!!
2005-06-14 [Ultra Hunger]: we need like a game or competition
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: I need ten members to join in a game to see who will own the rhein gold ring.
2005-06-15 [Undertow]: i can hold an arguement on just about anything on earth so i'm in!
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: great thats 1 gammer I just need to think of a way of seeing who gets the ring
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: I've got it what if i make up and insult and the best come back wins the ring?
2005-06-15 [PyroBuggy]: i'll join the game when it exists.
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: now I just need to think of a type of game
2005-06-15 [Undertow]: lol, game on
2005-06-15 [PyroBuggy]: hm... who can get the most people to build them temples. like, go around advertiseing, as long as you don't become annoying, Asking friends and posting it in your wikis and house and gat a list of eveeryones temples. whoever has the most wins :p
2005-06-15 [Undertow]: nah that's stupid b/c nto every god has a temple
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: yeah and i'm trying to think of a way to amke it so that people can't get all there friends to vote for them
2005-06-15 [Stephen]: I'll join.
2005-06-15 [PyroBuggy]: yeah... uh... doom?
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: alright ive got 3 people I need 7 more
2005-06-15 [Undertow]: [S.O.A.D. worshiper] probably will join
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: [PyroBuggy] [Undertow] [Stephen]
2005-06-15 [skullhead]: I
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: Gods Of Elfpack Arena
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: we need a game or a challenge or something
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]:
2005-06-15 [PyroBuggy]: FRODRICK FRANKENTIEN!
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: No.... Willy Wonka
2005-06-15 [PyroBuggy]: no... it's billy the kid.
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]:
2005-06-15 [PyroBuggy]: BOB DILLON!... wait....
2005-06-15 [Shadowsoul]: what is going on now?
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: putting up pictures of oopma loompas
2005-06-15 [skullhead]: What dos this have to do with the ring competition?
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: I dunno
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: I'm still working on that
2005-06-15 [skullhead]: It can be a god trivia
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: I was thinking of that
2005-06-15 [PyroBuggy]: race umpa lumpas!
2005-06-15 [Shadowsoul]: *falls over laughing*
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: ha ha ha I dunno
2005-06-15 [skullhead]: Hey you know I have been thinking and we can make some cool beaches with the drawing of the god you are, and the mane, that be pretty cool
2005-06-15 [Shadowsoul]: yes it's a good idea
2005-06-15 [skullhead]: thanx ^_^
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: Beaches?
2005-06-15 [PyroBuggy]: millions of beaches, beaches for me, millions of beaches, beaches for free
2005-06-15 [skullhead]: jajajaja = lol
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: ummm... sure...make a beach
2005-06-15 [skullhead]: Maybe [RabidSphinx] can help. are you too ok, or did you kept on fighting
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: no we're not friends and she can't join this wiki that is all I am saying.
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: Chewing gum is really gross chewing gum I hate the most
2005-06-15 [PyroBuggy]: *sings* all ya need is love doo dee doo dee dooo, all you need is love 8D
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: Love is just a game
2005-06-15 [skullhead]: love is all you need, yea!
2005-06-15 [Stephen]: I happen to believe in love, Man Cans.
2005-06-15 [PyroBuggy]: sadly you do... -.-
2005-06-15 [Shadowsoul]: yeah it does happen
2005-06-15 [skullhead]: Man Cans let’s stop the hate we are god’s we can’t be fighting about small things like that
2005-06-15 [Undertow]: he's the god of chaos...he likes there to be panic and disorder
2005-06-15 [skullhead]: Am the god of revolution and am not down with this
2005-06-15 [PyroBuggy]: don't worry about it guys. if you don't bring it up it's not an isue.
2005-06-15 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: of doom?
2005-06-15 [Undertow]: i'm just saying he might be just acting out as the god of chaos
2005-06-15 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: prolly is
2005-06-15 [Shadowsoul]: right....
2005-06-15 [PyroBuggy]: lovelovelovelo
2005-06-15 [skullhead]: Ok then am going to act as the former god of revolution if he kips this up any longer
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: awwwww love love love love oh it unite your right and hate devides lets see which is stronger shall we?
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: I don't even have a god of hate
2005-06-15 [Shadowsoul]: .......
2005-06-15 [Undertow]: well good for you then....i can just be the god of wisdom constantly because it's easy for me
2005-06-15 [Ultra Hunger]: Sunglasses Weren't Made For Your Eyes wanna be the goddess of hate?
2005-06-15 [Shadowsoul]: ooooo, what are you gonna say?
2005-06-15 [Undertow]: she's already a god
2005-06-16 [Ultra Hunger]: ummmm..... she is?
2005-06-16 [Undertow]: yeah.... it's Jova
2005-06-16 [skullhead]: [Ultra Hunger] give RD a god title
2005-06-16 [Undertow]: i seriously doubt he will and if he does it'll probably be something REALLY bad
2005-06-16 [skullhead]: Am hoping he reconsiders
2005-06-16 [Ultra Hunger]: why do you want me to so badly?
2005-06-16 [Undertow]: alot of people really like her, she can be pretty cool at time but also alot of people consider her to be a realy bitch...it all depends on how you look at her and her views
2005-06-16 [Ultra Hunger]: Sooo... how about that local baseball team?
2005-06-16 [PyroBuggy]: padres... not too bad
2005-06-16 [Ultra Hunger]: Boston Red Sox
2005-06-16 [Undertow]: rangers...gett
2005-06-16 [Ultra Hunger]: Power Rangers?
2005-06-16 [Undertow]: the texas ranger's ass
2005-06-16 [PyroBuggy]: wich version? the original was the only decent one :p
2005-06-16 [skullhead]: Because I know you are a good person and don’t want to star trouble for anyone and if you are not part of the problem you will tray to fix it, because you are a good person correct!
2005-06-16 [Undertow]: who would have known baseball would turn into a conversation about tv shows from when we were little kids
2005-06-16 [Ultra Hunger]: go go power rangers
2005-06-16 [PyroBuggy]: me! i have cool powers. :p
2005-06-16 [skullhead]: [Ultra Hunger] stop blowing me of
2005-06-16 [Undertow]: rotf! i think i still have the old video game from that show.....shut up i've still got every video game i've ever owned lol
2005-06-16 [PyroBuggy]: i have it for game boy :p
2005-06-16 [Undertow]: lol i have two of them on the Snes and one on the genisis
2005-06-16 [skullhead]:
2005-06-16 [Undertow]: it's official we are all GEEKS lol ( i always knew i was i just never looked like one really)
2005-06-16 [Ultra Hunger]: XENA
2005-06-16 [Undertow]: we've always known you were a geek...that was obvious from day one lol
2005-06-16 [Ultra Hunger]: we're in a fight!
2005-06-16 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: fight? where?
2005-06-16 [Undertow]: lol nah i'm just stating soemthing that's very obvious with you...that your an Uber xena geek
2005-06-16 [Ultra Hunger]: sunglasses do you wanna be the goddess of hate?
2005-06-16 [Ultra Hunger]: I know but does she wanna change? DUMMY!
2005-06-16 [Undertow]: dunny??? wtf is a dunny???
2005-06-16 [Ultra Hunger]: look at your keyboard the N and the M are really close
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